
Pecola Race

Decent Essays

Through the dynamic characters and character experiences that occur within the book, Toni Morrison is able to illustrate a racist America where society reinforces the idea that the white race is superior. Colored characters are taught by society that their own race is subordinate and that they are not worthy of the same amount of respect as their superiors. These characters continue to teach this idea within their race and create an ideology that even within the same race appearance decides whether or not a person is worthy. This instills the idea of self-hatred and the longing to be a blue eyed middle class person. Characters associate the white and blue eyes with that of economic stability and self-worth. Within the story racism between …show more content…

At an early age Pecola learns that she is not thought of as beautiful and that society does not believe that she is an equal with a blue eyed fair skinned girl. Because she is constantly undervalued and rejected, she begins to hope that one day she will have blue eyes so that she will be respected. Pecola’s family, The Breedloves, lived in poverty and in an unpleasant storefront because, as Pecola, they did not believe they were worthy of a better home. Pecola’s family “stayed there because they believed they were ugly” and since they felt that self worth was based on appearance they believed they did not deserve any better …show more content…

Her self worth is defined by the color of her eyes and the color of her skin, this delusion is a product of the effect that this idea has had on Pecola’s life. There is a constant pattern in the book where characters admire others as though they were hoping to one day attain their characteristics. Characters in the story develop an unrealistic and unhealthy admiration for white personas that further make them believe that they are worth less. For example, Pecola and her friend Frieda are mesmerized and almost hypnotized by Shirley Temples perceived beauty (put page number here). Similarly to Pecola, Mrs. Breedlove, consumes her days in an unrealistic world where she admires actresses and prefers to stay at work cleaning for what she believes to be the superior class than to go home and spend time with her family (put page number here). Through these examples, Pecola’s mother as well as Pecola show that their entire idea of self worth relies solely on

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