
Peer Relationships And Relational Aggression Analysis

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Peer relationships are some of the most important interactions we have in our childhood. According to lecture (5/7/2015), these relationships help to build our social skills as well our social competence, creating a social acceptance amongst our peers. Our textbook (pg. 321) explains that peer relationships promote both physical and cognitive development. Once the child enters the preschool age they begin to differentiate friends from peers. A peer is simply an acquaintance, the child plays with them due to accessibility and similar background or social standing; however, a friend is someone with shared interests and associated with positive experiences. During this study into peer relationships in early and middle childhood, I interviewed two young girls. Kayla is 11 years old and Adison is 4 years old. While some of their views on friendship and peer interactions are similar, most of their views are worlds apart. Negative peer relationships can have an …show more content…

The girls may have problematic peer relationships because of the era we live in. According to lecture material (04/28/2014) bullying and relational aggression are problems and they have many negative effects on children; however, with these problematic peer relationships the child can rise above with positive and successful peer relationships. Kayla in middle childhood has come to the realization that she will have confrontations with her friends, but since the friendship is valued they will work together to find a solution. This is a prime example of a positive and successful relationship. With this relationship, she will learn what a true friend is and will continue to seek these kinds of friendships. Adison will learn a lot from her positive peer relationships as well. By continuing her relationships with her classmates, she will learn prosocial behaviors that will help her to excel in her future

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