
Pencyclidine Research Paper

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Phencyclidine is a hallucinogenic drug that was once used as an anesthetic for animals, and for a short period of time, humans as well. It is very similar to Ketamine in the way that it is structured and behaves. It is also known more commonly on the streets as ‘Angel Dust’. In 1959, Phencyclidine was an anesthetic for humans, but was discontinued as it provided serious side effects. Some of these side effects include confusion, hallucinations, delirium, and violence. Some forms of long-term memory disorders and schizophrenia have also been evident. When it is used on the streets as ‘angel dust’, it can be the cause of seizures, convulsions, cardiac problems, and even comas. Phencyclidine is a synthetic substance and a chemical compound. It is made in a lab and made up of ingredients that you would not find in nature. One of the ingredients used is cyanide, which is a type of poison. It appears as a colorless, crystal like powder. It has a strong chemical like smell similar to that of ammonia. It has a molecular weight of 243.394 g/mol. The boiling point is 136 degrees Celsius, and the melting point is 46.5 degrees Celsius. It is insoluble in water, and usually is found in the form of a salt like substance.
Phencyclidine was originally used as an animal tranquilizer before it began to …show more content…

If given to someone who has just endured a stroke or heart attack, it can possibly help prevent him or her from sustaining permanent brain damage. If it does prove to be helpful, then a safer version of the drug will be developed for said purposes. Research of the drugs effect on animals is still being researched as well. Scientists believe that by studying phencyclidine more closely they can learn more about schizophrenia. The side effects of phencyclidine are very similar to the symptoms those who suffer from schizophrenia. That being paranoia, hallucinations, detachment from oneself, and a warped

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