
Perceptions Of Beauty In Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye

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In Toni Morrison's novel, The Bluest Eye examines the effects of imposing white, middle class American ideals of beauty on developing female identity of a young black girls. Morrisons sensitive portrayal of black female identity and its perceptive critique of the internalized racism created by white Americans perceptions of beauty can be supported by W.E.B. Dubois in his novel, The Souls of Black Folk, introduces two concepts describing a black person's experience in America: the veil and double consciousness. Both novels, The Souls of Black Folk and The Bluest Eye, emphasize the racial self-loathing ideas that black girls have as they start to understand how different they are from white people. The African American children of The Bluest Eye, Claudia MacTeer and Pecola Breedlove, discover that the color of their skin excludes them from the soft eyes of favor that fall upon little girls who belong to the white world. The penalty for this discovery is the resulting division of their minds, through the realization that they are both little girls, and black little girls. The girls prove themselves incapable of responding with a reactive action that captures the poison darts of racism and projects them back outward, instead they demonstrate a passive response that instead absorbs the poison inward, which creates instability within her psyche and undermines her sense of identity. It is through this action that Morrison reveals the dark side of the effects of double consciousness

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