
Periodontics Personal Statement

Decent Essays


When a procedure as basic as scaling and root planning and the sight of reduced post-operative inflammation – seeing the gingiva turn to a benign pink from red gives you a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction that is incomparable, you know that being a Periodontist is everything you have ever wanted. Holding a scalpel, incising the gingival and periodontal tissues and raising a flap almost perfectly for the very first time, is perhaps one of the most exhilarating experiences I have ever had and, at the risk of sounding too dramatic, the clockwise and anti-clockwise turning of the wrist during suturing is nothing short of sheer poetry in motion to me. As a teenager, I read Doctors by Erich Segal and instantly, my love for medical sciences was born. Though, I was certain that I wanted to pursue a career in health sciences, dentistry was not always what I had in mind for a career. But it was my father’s dream and I decided to live it. In 2009, at the beginning of my first term in …show more content…

When I set my sights on something like I have for a Master of Science in Periodontics, a part of me automatically starts chalking out a plan B. This is not tantamount to not having faith in my abilities but it is just how I’m wired. But this is where the Observership in Periodontology Program has been different. From the time I started, subtly I have not felt the need to look for a plan B. It has made me realize, beyond all reasonable doubt what I want in life and where I will find it. Not only has it provided me with exposure to state of the art Periodontic surgical procedures but also laid down the scientific foundation and environment for my future professional goal of pursuing an Advanced Education in Periodontics. It’s been a long journey from reading Doctors to knowing exactly what I want and it is extremely comforting. It also drives me to work towards getting what I want, harder than ever

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