
Perseverance In The Breadwinner By Deborah Ellis

Decent Essays

“Boom!” I hear behind me. Bombs are destroying half of the buildings in Kabul. This happens all the time since the Taliban took over. And here I am, running. Running from the bombs. Running from the terrifying sound, just like everyone else. The book The Breadwinner by Deborah Ellis is about a girl who has to change into a boy to save her family’s hunger. There are many times when Parvana shows perseverance throughout the book, The Breadwinner by Deborah Ellis. Perseverance is when a person is trying to achieve something even when they don’t want to or it’s hard. One time when Parvana showed perseverance in the book, The Breadwinner by Deborah Ellis is when she dressed up as a boy to provide for her family even though she doesn’t want to. Parvana says in chapter six, “You’re not cutting my hair!” Later, Parvana says, “Fine, I will do it.” The text also states that “Parvana left the shop with rice and tea, feeling very proud of herself.” The evidence shows that even though she didn’t want hair cut, she did it for her family. She knew she had to do it because times were hard and no one else could do it. This shows how she did something to provide for her family despite being scared and fearing the Taliban. …show more content…

‘I don’t think this is a good idea’ said Parvana” also “A few minutes later she unearthed a skull”.these quotes show perseverance in chapter 10 because she didn’t want to go bone digging. Later on she decides she needs to take this job because she needs

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