
Personal Application Questions

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The following is a short checklist regarding culturally determined values, attitudes, and beliefs, especially as they pertain to health care. Read each statement carefully, and then assign the number that most closely reflects your beliefs regarding each statement. You must choose 1 (mostly agree), 2 (somewhat agree), 3 (neutral), 4 (somewhat disagree), or 5 (mostly disagree) for each statement as it is written. This requires that you be as introspective as possible to determine where you stand on each of the issues presented. Please remember that no answer is right or wrong, but individual attitudes and beliefs influence response. By answering as honestly as possible, this exercise will help you be more conscious of your own culturally determined …show more content…

Add the number of 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, and 5s that you have. 2. How many statements do you have clear ideas (1s and 5s) about? For a majority of the statements, I have a firm opinion regarding a particular context about the subject: 17 mostly agree responses and 18 mostly disagree responses. 3. Do these outweigh the number of ambivalent (neutral) statements that you listed? Yes, the mostly agree and mostly disagree responses indeed outweigh the number of neutral responses I selected: 0. 4. Look at the statements that you agree with (1s and 2s). Is a relationship evident between the statements that influenced your responses (e.g., age of patient, patient …show more content…

Nurses have an ethical and professional responsibility to advocate for patient autonomy when patients are cognitively competent and to protect their well-being when they are deemed incapacitated. These are necessary professional roles concerning the ethical principles of autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and respect for others. Virtue ethics is a form of deontology that adheres to the philosophy that humans have a duty (obligation) to themselves and others; moreover, to adhere to the ethical principles and perform virtuous actions and avoid vice. These cardinal virtues include wisdom, courage, temperance, justice, fortitude, generosity, self-respect, good-temper, and sincerity (Guido, 2001, pp. 33–38). Additionally, patients have the right to patient-centered care, privacy, be free from discrimination (culturally competent care), and prompt complaint resolution. It is imperative that nurses be familiar with the Code of Ethics for Nurses, along with ethical principles and employ these as guidelines for professional competence both inside and outside the areas of practice. 5. Look at the statements that you disagree with (4s and 5s). Is a relationship apparent between these statements that influenced your

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