
Personal Electronics, Clothing, And Vacation Destination

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1. Consider the last purchase you made in these categories: personal electronics, clothing, and vacation destination. To what extent was your purchase decision influenced by decision-making complexity, individual influences, social influences, and situational influences? What specific issues were the most influential in making the decision? How could a marketer have swayed your decision in each case? When making majority of my purchases I do research on the item and analyze all the reviews that are left from customers that have already purchased the item. The last personal electronic that I purchased was my Apple MacBook. The decision-making complexity was not a major issue when making this purchase. I have owned many laptops and they all seemed to have last for about three to four years. My wife has owned her MacBook for almost ten years and has never had an issue. I knew I was going to buy a MacBook and all the different specs that I could choose from never really made a difference. The individual influence from my wife played a major role in this purchase. She has never had any problems with her MacBook and pushed that I make the same purchase for my next computer. The social influence was not a major factor in the decision to make the purchase as many of my friends did not own a MacBook. The situational influence played two major factors against the purchase of the MacBook. The software that a MacBook uses is different from Windows that majority of computers use.

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