
Personal Essay: The Flag And National Anthem

Satisfactory Essays

Yesterday was weird. Something just didn’t seem right and I was deep in thought most of the day. Maybe it was my beloved Steelers getting involved in the politics I never thought they would. Maybe the overwhelming hate I saw yesterday got to me. Am I mad at my Steelers for what they did? No, not really. As a Marine I fought for their freedom to do so. I’m not even sure it was an actual protest rather than trying to avoid the distraction and protect their players. I guess I was more disappointed. You see, as a United States Marine who had the honor of carrying my fallen brothers and sisters home for the last time, the flag means something different to me then it does too many others who haven’t had the same experience. I was a body bearer in …show more content…

I understand the why behind it; I just personally wouldn’t do it in that manner. This is the way I look at the flag and National Anthem. This is my opinion… you know, those things we aren’t allowed to have these days. It doesn’t have anything to do with flag procedures, rules, regulations, or whether or not the players came out for the national anthem before 2009. It’s just the way I look at the flag due to my life experience. Does that make me a bad person? I don’t think so. Unfortunately, today most of us are forced or willing to pick a side and judge people instead of having dialog and trying to see things from the others point of view. It breaks my heart to go on social media and see the hate. Half of the times I don’t even think people have all of the facts or knowledge as to why they hate but still do. We are all different. Different cultures, races, backgrounds, social statuses, and religions. These differences create different opinions. I was taught to respect others regardless of these things. It broke my heart to see a team that brought different people together for years divide a fan base that I thought couldn’t be divided. All because people are too set in their ways and not willing to try to put themselves in the others shoes. I don’t know what the answer is but I do know that I felt strange

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