
My Learning Styles Assessment

Decent Essays

After taking the learning styles assessment it was found that I am a visual learner most of all followed by tactile and auditory. This meaning that I like to see what I am learning, I am able to understand things and later recall what I have seen. I honestly have to say that I do not agree with these results; I say that because after reading and just knowing how I am, I believe my best type of learning is through tactile, I have been this way since elementary school. When you are a tactile person you like to learn and pick up the information best through touching and doing things, you are very hands-on. Versus someone who is a visual learner just needs to see it or read it. Some of the characteristics a tactile person has is completely me; such as I am always doing something, I like to be hands on, when I talk I move my hands sort of like I am trying to act out what I am saying, I always have my legs going or am swaying side to side, like flashcards to study with, and am always chewing gum. …show more content…

On the other hand the learning style I use the least is auditory. With auditory learners you learn best through hearing and listening. I can say I agree with this, honestly when it comes to lecture based classes I find myself thinking about something different or thinking how I can teach myself when I get home in a different way. Auditory learners like to listen, so when studying they read their flashcards or notes out loud versus me who has to see the card and try to think back of what I did with my hands that will help me remember

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