
Personal Narrative: A Day At The South Texas Food Bank

Decent Essays

Two years ago, I was sitting in a dimly lit packing room, wedged between a stalled out pale yellow refrigerator and a stack of boxes, packed to the brim with all sorts of canned fruits and vegetables. People worked quickly here, moving boxes from one corner of the room to another, creating a rhythm of sorts. Thump. Swoosh. Thump. Swoosh. The boxes left in droves as lines of people congregated around the open warehouse door with open hands ready to accept what was offered while statements of gratitude leapt from their tongues. The amount of people waiting outside far outnumbered the volunteers, but the volunteers worked hard, they knew they had to today. It was 104 degrees outside and some of these people standing in line, with children in tow, had been waiting for hours. It was distribution day at the South Texas Food Bank and I was there to help. The South Texas Food Bank was one of the many agencies that we were working with through Rebranding the Border, a non-profit social venture that I co-founded. Rebranding the Border, at the time was focused on tackling one of the many side effects of the ongoing border violence, a decrease in the number of volunteers assisting local community organizations. Through Rebranding the Border we were able to set up partnerships and deliver …show more content…

From my father, who has dedicated his life to developing community through ministry, to my mother, who despite being raised as a transnational migrant worker, pursued public education and now advocates for individuals with physical and intellectual disabilities, a strong sense of community has always been a part of my value set. I believe that my life experiences serving disadvantaged and often systemically oppressed minority communities have led to my desire to pursue the profession of law. My time spent interning at a law firm only reaffirmed my belief that the practice of law is right for

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