
Personal Narrative Essay: The Crucible By Arthur Miller

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So today I and My family were going to a camp and we were packing and I find a gas lantern so I turn it on. then one hour later and my dad has my brother Asher picks it up and burns his hand. His hand looked a burnt marshmallow that you leave in the fire. Then with a long trip to a small hospital in Virginia. It felt very cold in the hospital. The smell of the place was like very old medicine. the doctor and she or him I do not remember, but he told us that Asher

has a 2-degree burn that will need a cast for 3 months.
My mom says that his cast makes him look like a bear and she made a rime

“big bear with the big hair.” my mom sings in a very happy

My dad was not the happiest he was more disappointed then angry. man in the world

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