
Personal Narrative: Get A New Dog

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It was the 11th of January and we were going to get a new dog. The road has ice, snow and sleet. I had a headache and I was really tired. It was cold, cloudy, and bright. The ride was like a 4 hour ride because I slept through the whole thing and it was awesome. When I woke it we were still not there. So my mom, brother and I all played car games. When we got there it was loud and it made my head hurt even more than it did before. It was wet and really icy so I had to crawl. My mom asked “What are you doing on the ground.” I said “Crawling so I don’t fall on my butt or my side like I always do. When we went in we saw Peanut. The women said “The reason he has bad back legs is because he was at a puppy mill.” He was funny because he was slipping

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