
Personal Narrative-Hardene

Decent Essays

At the age of 5 my mother, my father and I took a walk over the bridge in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina. While never been able settle down as a child, my mother took it upon herself to carry me across so that I don’t fall down thirty feet to a watery death. As we enjoy the smell of the air and the wind blowing coolly against us, we decided to take a photo. Father went across from us with the camera and my mother and I stood on the other side, our backs facing the edge of the bridge and the river leading to the ocean. It wasn’t until I heard a scream and saw a flash that I realized I was falling for what felt like 10 seconds. After fifteen hours in a coma, I awoke to find my family happy as can be, even though I had no memory of any of them. It was from that point that I wondered how I would have been a different person had I retained all my previous feelings and thoughts. I’m not sure I’ve ever really asked myself who I was because it has always felt as if that was a question best left for my later years, when I could reflect on everything I have done. Looking back at my life now in review, I can see the foundation of the question but not the detail of every single brick layered upon top of it. This foundation is made upon soil seeped with sweat and tears of my struggles and built with the …show more content…

I know now that it is futile to think about changing the past, but it is still possible to better your present and future self with thinking critically about your actions, thoughts, and feelings, and making sure that they were made in the best and most rational way at the time. The reason I enjoy this class so much is that it revolves around the individual and not just a concept that can be copied from a book. Critical thinking needs to be practiced and learned as it was intended and I feel satisfied in that I came to this realization within the first class period compared to others where it takes an entire life

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