
Personal Narrative: Kimberly World Renown Chef

Satisfactory Essays

Have you ever went to a restaurant or ate something so delicious and wondered how the food is cooked what ingredients did they use or if’s there own recipe and how did they come with it ? Most people don't most folks just eat the food because it taste good but if you're like me you think about what makes it taste so good. As a little girl i watch my mom cooked in the kitchen every single night because i knew one day i wanted to cook just like her. One day i ask my mom if I can help her to cook she told me to start cutting the the onions , with the red and green peppers and put salt with black pepper at this point i knew what i wanted to be .I wanted to be a chef. Every day after this i helped my mom in the kitchen every single night . I use to sneak in the kitchen in the middle of the night and tried to cook and follow what i saw my mom doing but one night i started to think i can create my own chicken. …show more content…

At age 14 i started cooking for my family my mother was very pleased with what i can and what i learned. My family is Jamaican so my mother use to cook Jamaican food every single night but i wanted to learn more than that I wanted to learn about all cultures of the world not just stuck in one country. This is when I began to explore other cultures and there food . I first started with India and discovered there food is very spicy and they used a lot of curry seasoning. Every time i studied a new culture and there food I prepared it for my family for example if i studied African food then my family had African food for the entire month. My family loved that this is how i studied food because they were trying new dishes every single

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