
Personal Narrative-Moving

Decent Essays

Moving. Amanda didn’t like this idea. Her mom got a job out of town to earn even more money for college. They had already saved about 3 times the amount they needed. “You can never have enough college money. Someone could spend it all.” She looks at my dad. The brown haired girl takes a final look at her house. “Goodbye friend.” Amanda gets in her dad’s blue chevrolet, which is taking the family to our new house. “Honey you’ll love your new school. Don’t worry.” The school itself is not the problem. Amanda is just too shy to meet new people. She arrives at the school the next day. Amanda didn’t want to get out of the car, but she new it had to be done. “Have a nice day honey.” her mom waves goodbye as she drives away. “Class, this is our new student, Amanda Laine.” the girl’s new teacher, whose name she learned is Ms. Rybin, says to the class. She tells the green-eyed girl where to sit, so she sits. Amanda didn’t talk much the rest of the day. …show more content…

“Hey Amanda.” she hears a voice call her name. “Yes.” she turns around to see three girls. Two of them have a lot of makeup on. The one standing behind them has a little blush, but nothing else. “You wanna hangout with us? You seem cool. I mean we are the popular girls.” The girls look at Amanda sneakily. “N-no, I’m good…I have to get going now.” the brown haired girl starts to walk

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