
Personal Narrative: Moving To A New Country

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I have been a military child since birth, moving from place to place, seeing things I'd care to not have seen and seeing man hit rock bottom from a pink slip out the army, but this is all normal for me. My father has an amazing job and he loves his career, even if it moves us from small towns to enormous cities every three years. There was one move that impartially changed my views on not only the army but on myself, when people began treating me differently and staring at me as I walked by. It was the move to Osan south korea, a brand new country that when I first arrived had left me put in the dark and shut me out completely, until I met peoplled the way and showed me the beauty of the country, leaving me with a more open mind to new things. …show more content…

It was the first time I've ever dreaded a move before, I would not be able to talk to anyone from the states without losing ten hours of sleep while off base they spoke the completely different language of hangul. The first time I walked out of the front gate of osan all I felt was the stare of an unknown culture like I was offending everyone for being there. So it became hard for me to adjust and enjoy the new beautiful country, not to mention there weren't many people on osan air base, only about two hundred people were in all three dodea schools, and it was my first time dealing with an air force community. It wasn't easy to get involved on base, however I did play on school sports teams, joined ROTC, and started taking hangul in high

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