
Personal Narrative: Moving To America

Decent Essays

John sat quietly thinking about the events from the day before. A lot had happened in the last couple hours. He wasn’t sure whether to stare at the wall in shock or go out celebrating. John had just been naturalized. He was a citizen of the United States of America. He never has to go back home. He had rights. He could out and say anything! He could practice his religion! He was American. There was a knock on his door. “John can I come in?”Paige asked. “Sure thing,” he responded. Paige was his next-door neighbor. When he had moved to America he wasn’t sure how to start a life here, but Paige helped him get on his feet. She was a natural born citizen, so she didn’t have any experience with what it felt like to go through naturalization, but …show more content…

“I noticed you’ve been in your room the whole day! We should be out celebrating!”. “I know, I know. It’s just a lot to take in.” “The press is talking all about you guys, I mean being the fastest group of immigrants ever to become citizens is kinda a big deal. You were on then they dissed the government a bit more, but after that they showed a story about orphaned puppies!” she exclaimed. John smiled, Paige was such an enthusiastic girl. She loved life and general and would stand up for whatever she believes in. She would frequently use her right of assembly, and John always saw her in the background of news coverage. “Alright, let’s go out and celebrate,” John stated now accepting that hew was officially a citizen. “Good,” was the girl’s reply. They walked out of his house and climbed his his run down car. The paint was chipped, and it needed new tires, but he adored it. They had decided to go get frozen yogurt, as a cool treat on a hot summer day. The frozen yogurt shop was packed to the brim with sweaty, smiling faces, in for their favorite flavor. As he sat down next to Paige on the curb with his slightly melted dessert, he thought about all the hard times he had just been

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