
Personal Narrative: My Engagement Interviewees

Decent Essays

My Engagement Interviewee, Mrs. Enid Draluck is a Partner at Full Circle Living, Inc. a nonprofit organization which focuses on leveling the playing field for women and girls all over the world. Mrs. Draluck established the company in 2003 along with her colleague, Angie Allen, after working alongside her, in a previous business. Today they work together to offer grants to people and businesses to promote their vision of promoting more women leaders in the corporate sector and in all other types of workplaces.

My main objective for the interview was to understand how we as women can utilize our own skills and talents as leaders within the workplace. Throughout the interview we discussed how our own talents can be used to lead certain projects in our workplace and even to reach out to our community. Mrs. Draluck demonstrates her leader skills through partnering with businesses where women make up 50% or more of the population within the …show more content…

Although I have never experienced any extreme cases of gender discrimination in the workplace, the engagement interview allowed me to understand that it can still happen even in the highest levels of business. Additionally, when more businesses and corporate professionals promote gender equality it eventually becomes more successful within a company since it becomes more accepted among the people in the business. Overall, my main takeaway from this interview includes that women can be leaders in their fields through utilizing their skills to their upmost ability while also tackling gender discrimination issues. I believe that more women should continue to make gender discrimination issues aware to corporate professionals and those who aspire to become professionals in their desired

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