
Personal Narrative: My Life As An Immigrant

Decent Essays

I never knew my dad was illegally in the United States until he was arrested by U.S Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Everything happened so fast, and before I knew it my whole life was changing. One day I was having a pizza date with my dad, and a few days later I was in the car on a 3 hour drive to the Tacoma Northwest Detention Center to say goodbye to him as he awaited his deportation to Mexico. My father's deportation has been the hardest thing I have ever had to go through. It has brought on emotional hardships and financial struggles, which, has brought on challenges regarding my education. My father is now living in a small rural town in Mexico called Sandoval, Chihuahua (Riva Palacio) with a population of around 150 people. He doesn’t have phone service or internet access where he lives so communication is nearly impossible. Not being able to see or even hear from …show more content…

My mom is a food service worker and my dad was a christmas tree farmer. Although we never had a lot of money, we made things work. We never went on any vacations and I wasn’t able to play sports because they cost too much, but that was okay because we were together and happy. Now that my dad is no longer here to support us, we have been struggling. The mortgage is always behind, something always seems to be shut off in our house as a result of not being able to pay the bills, and the pantry isn’t as full as it used to be. Financial issues has also been affecting my education. As I’m applying to colleges, I find myself limited in the number of schools I can apply to because not all colleges have fee waivers I can’t afford to pay several fees to apply to as many colleges as I’d would like to. I’ve also had hesitation in going to college just because of the cost of it. My goal in life is to become a doctor, which, normally takes around eight years. Eight years of college is not cheap, and the idea of having to pay thousands of dollars has scared

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