
Personal Narrative-The Hospital

Decent Essays

The Hospital “Come on Leroy, what is the worst thing that could happen? I mean, isn’t that the whole entire reason we took this gap year? I bet we could get some crazy footage and it would be really cool.”
As Joe kept rattling off all of the reasons that they should go, Leroy began to give up and eventually sighed “Fine i’ll go!” Joe had heard stories of an abandoned hospital in the middle of the forest before and he had never really bought into them before. Whenever anybody else at his high school talked about it a few questions that Joe always thought of ruled out the possibility of such a place existing. Who would randomly make a hospital in the middle of the woods, and why would it then be abandoned. The only reasonable explanation is that it didn't exist. So while …show more content…

There on the ground was a shattered vile. As they looked behind it there was a trail of other weird old hospital supplies. They followed the trail on foot until they saw what looked like a structure through the thicket.
They made their way through the terrain and came up to the entrance of the structure and it read “Buckhannon Mental Asylum” the building looked dingy and it was covered in ivy as if it had become one with nature. Leroy looked at Joe and smiled. They nodded heads and went in through the broken window.
As they entered the dark room there a miserable vibe, like the building didn't want them to be in there. So they clicked their flashlights on in the dark room and looked at walls and floor. There was broken glass and old hospital supplies all over the floor. When Leroy moved his light towards the corner he saw a large ball of cloth in the corner, but when Leroy took a second look at the ball he noticed that it was slightly moving up and down so he called out “hello?” to see if it maybe responded. The cloth jolted to life and whatever it was scrambled into the darkness and

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