
Personal Narrative: Walmart Loss Prevention

Decent Essays

On the above date and time I responded to Walmart, reference a possible retail theft.

Dispatch advised me that Walmart loss prevention was currently observing a male subject attempting to pry open a necklace while in the jewelry department of the store. Loss prevention described the subject as a white male, wearing a green tee-shirt, and black baseball cap.

Upon arrival, I made contact with Walmart Loss prevention Officer, Fabiano Estrela, who was located in the loss prevention office with the subject, later identified as Nathan. The subject was cooperating with loss prevention and he willingly agreed to wait for the police.

Estrela advised me that he observed Cantie in the jewelry department of the store. Cantie successfully pried open …show more content…

I made contact with Cantie's father, Arthur Cantie, per his request, via telephone. I advised Arthur of the situation and of Cantie's arrest. I also advised Arthur that Cantie had keys to a vehicle, and a wallet that bared the name "Arthur Cantie" in his possession. Arthur stated that Nathan took his vehicle from his residence, and he was requesting that I hold onto the vehicle's keys and his wallet. Arthur stated " I leave my wallet in my truck, that's probably why Nathan had it on him." Arthur further advised "Nathan has my phone, I'm speaking to you on it now." Arthur stated that he would call me back after he attempted to get a ride to Walmart so he could retrieve his truck, wallet, and cell phone. Shortly after, Arthur called me back and advised me that his son, Erik Cantie, was en route to retrieve his personal items.

Estrela provided me with a voluntary statement form, and DVD video surveillance of the theft. The DVD was later entered into evidence at the Port Richey Police Department.

Estrela also requested that Cantie be trespassed from Walmart, located at 8701 U.S. Highway 19. Cantie was issued a trespass warning, which he later acknowledged, and signed while at central booking.

Erik Cantie arrived on scene and took possession of Arthur's personal belongings. I then proceeded to Land O' Lakes jail with Cantie.

While en route to jail, Cantie started to complain of "pain all over." I immediately advised

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