
Personal Reflection

Satisfactory Essays

I struggle with identifying one single event or experience that will influence my academic work and goals here at Colorado Christian University. Before beginning, I took some time to reflect on my story and the experiences that have brought me to where I am now. I started in the gospel of John, “Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit.”(John 15:2, English Standard
Version.). In reality, it is more of a culmination of choices and situations that have brought me to this moment, to this decision to start school again. Each experience and event just as significant as the one before. Some moments built my courage and faith and other …show more content…

GAY1AHRO.TXH.DOC that I felt the calling to get my degree. I began to lean on my faith and the knowledge that the
Creator of the Universe, who loves me and made me in his image, had a purpose and a will for my life. I held off on attending school a little bit longer, wanting my wife to finish her degree and while we welcomed our first born son into our lives a little over a year ago.
Roughly five months ago my wife informed me that we were expecting identical twin boys. For the second time in my life, I could not deny God’s will in my life. The rush of excitement and fear was overwhelming. I argue that three kids under two and college just don’t mix. As the weeks passed and my wife’s belly grew, God laid his will on my heart again. Over and over I heard God saying “these are my gifts to you. I chose them for you and you for them.
Teach and instill in them my word”. I started to wonder how I could encourage and motivate them knowing that I am not the man that I want to be and that my family needs me to be. At that moment, my wife and I committed that it was time for me to return to school.
It will be my life, my story, and the people around me that allow me to accomplish my goals here at Colorado Christian University. I have no delusions that the road will be easy, but what I have is stronger than fear, doubt, or anxiety. I ended my search in Philippians, “for it is
God who works in you, both to will and to work for

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