
Personal Statement: Healthy Family Living

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Healthy Family Living Motivation

Healthy Family Living

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Movivation can be a hard thing to obtain. Even with the insane amount of energy, I have somedays I try to brush off my workout. This page is devoted to a positive outlook because a healthy lifestyle is not only diet and exercise. Motivation and possitive persepective are equally important. Here are some of the tricks and tips I do to get myself motivated to workout.

Have A Workout Partner Doing a workout regiment with a friend, …show more content…

Remember the Energy Working Out Gives You The energy received from working out is my favorite part. When I am really struggling to find motivation, I invision that post workout energy.

Make Working Out Fun If you do the same workout over and over you will get bored. Plus, changing your workout allows for muscle confusion. Sick of working out by yourself, take a class at a gym or call a friend for a run in a public park. Just remember, any physical activity can be a workout. My favorite is to incorporte the whole family. I like to go play soccer with my kids in the field by our house or play tag at the playground.

Write Life Goals At the end of each day, I create and reflect on all the goals in my life. My goal list is my road map. My road map allows me to remember what I am working towards. In the morning before school, I have my boys write goals for the day. Which mostly consist of having fun at recess, but my boys love having something to strive for throughout the

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