
Personal Statement : My Personal Wellness Plan

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My Personal Wellness Plan
The goal I chose is to live a healthy lifestyle which in terms will add years to my life. In this transformation I chose to eat healthier, exercise more, drink plenty water and add supplements to my personal wellness plan. I will devote a significant amount of time to each area of this wellness plan over the next eight weeks to get the ultimate results. Below are specific goals and a plan of action that I will be doing over the course of eight weeks; in an effort to make lifestyle changes. I will be reviewing the various area of my health deciding which areas I would like to make improvements. My present situation is that I have gained a significant amount of weight that has made my life a little uncomfortable. I started by making a chart to track my plan of action in each area that I will be working on.
Personal wellness plan for: Cynthia Taylor-Payne______ Start date: _10/20/2015____________ Weight Goal: Present weight___160_____ Weight goal in 8 weeks: ___148_____

Action plans: I started by writing my present weight down, which is 160, my end weight will be 148; this is a loss of 12 lbs over the course of 8 weeks. Week one I will start drinking plenty of water. My goal is to drink a gallon of water each day for the durations of my personal wellness plan. The first few days were a struggle, but as the week when on it became easier to drink more water. Supplements Goal: I started taking a multi-vitamin

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