
Personal Statement On Misrepresenting Or Minimizing Client 's Complaints

Good Essays

MEMO TO: Mr Ghost Saint

FROM: Farah Dashti

DATE: March 6, 2016

SUBJECT: Misrepresenting or Minimizing Client’s Complaints

Issue Statement

We face extraordinary challenges –from growing the company 's profit margins and restoring its fiscal health to transforming our customer service delivery unit. There is a distinct role for the manager at the helm of the company in addressing these challenges. However, the company 's staff has doubts about the company’s managerial capacity to face the challenges effectively and efficiently. An estimated two –thirds of the employees believe that the company management is usually inefficient, and wasteful in its bid to improve customer service (Park).

Indeed, at the outset of your managerial …show more content…

Your managerial experience, expertise, and passion must drive the implementation of customer care and service improvement efforts within the organization .In the capacity of manager, you set the pace and expectations for what the company 's workforce can achieve over a period (Johnston, Clark, and Shaver).

Overcoming skepticism and bureaucratic inertia as a manager is instrumental to the success of this customer management agenda. The success of the company 's efforts to improve customer care and service are dependent on your commitment to the push for improvements with the belief that they are not only critical but also within our reach. It is my hope that as we devise and implement the plan, you will be able to foster a top-down commitment best customer management practices (Johnston, Clark, and Shaver).

The following is a review of our approach to customer care and service delivery improvement in a bid to minimize customer complaints .The review details the need to launch an effort to devise and implement an organization-wide customer management plan. A client management plans that describes our strategies and key initiatives with a description of the progress already achieved regarding the improvement of customer service. I believe as a company, we are off to a good start, and that we are developing the requisite momentum for

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