
Persuasive Essay About Immigration

Decent Essays

Immigration has become an issue all around the world. Everyone have different opinions on how immigrants affect our society. Is immigration good for the economy, the employment rate for immigrants and their pay, how the ban could have a major impact on the U.S., why do people migrate, and DACA (deferred action for childhood arrivals). This essay will hopefully answer any question about immigration and we should handle the ban.
Is immigration good for the economy? According to John Engler, "Why immigration is good for U.S. growth," Passing immigration reform would provide the opportunity for Washington to show Americans that policymakers can work together to solve big problems and boost the economy at the same time." If we were to let immigrants to come to America it would help out a lot of businesses. According to John Engler, " Immigration reform would improve economic growth. Reform would also increase U.S. employment and wages." According to John Engler," Today, there is a global competition for talent, and we cannot afford to lose out to other nations."America needs immigrants to make their businesses to flourish.
The employment rate and wages for immigrants. According to Michael Greenstone, and Adam Looney, " Although many are concerned that immigrants compete against Americans for jobs, the most recent economic evidence suggests that, on average, immigrant workers increase the opportunities and incomes of Americans." In my opinion immigrants tend to work harder than

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