
Persuasive Essay About Texting And Driving

Decent Essays

I was in a car accident that happened, because the other person was talking on the phone. I know how dangerous calling and driving can be. People are putting only their own lives in jeopardy, in their cars when they are texting and driving at the same time, breaking the law. People will also miss the beautiful scenery outside of their windows. Cell phones should be used while people are driving. Furthermore, while this claim seems initially plausible, it doesn’t realize that many key points are left out. Cell phones should not be used while people are driving. People have more accidents while texting or talking on their phones. Amanda Clark, a teenager thought she could text and drive at the same time. The first time, Amanda tried to text and drive, she only crashed into a stop sign. The second time she crashed into another driver and died. People are not only in danger of accidents but they also run the risk of breaking the law at the same time. Drivers shouldn’t break the laws while driving by having their phones with them it’s not worth the risk. People who have sent texts or made call in their cars, …show more content…

People should think three times before they take their phones with them into their cars. People shouldn’t be allowed to use their phones into their phones in their cars. Other people may argue phones serve a purpose in cars. People should bring their phones into their cars because they serve a purpose like if they get lost they can call someone, if the driver doesn’t know where they are going, they can use their phones as a GPS and drivers will be just as distracted as talking to a passenger they would be talking on the phone. What is not being taken into account here is, phones in cars are illegal by law and people could be arrested for bringing their phones into their cars. “Seventy-eight percent of all distracted driver are distracted because they have been texting while

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