
Persuasive Essay On Being A Outsider

Decent Essays

Being an outsider is a position that an individual does not fit in with the rest of society. Areas of society are often called clique at which we feel like we must coordinate our actions to follow and pleases. Those actions leads to the anonymous question should the outside, those who do not follow the rest be embraced or rejected. Corresponding with the rights of our world, we are seen as equal, yet we do not always follow that. Outsiders should be rejected, providing them growth, individuality through independence and, crucial life skills. Like a seed planted in the soil growing into a nice tree. Similar to the seed outsiders are born and left to grow. They are living , breathing, eating and drinking yet they are not as high on the competition list as others are who follow the same steps. With that said the seed or outsiders are left to grow while being independent they from senses of personal goals which allow them to transform their minds around whatever that goal may be, possible career, academics or even financial goals at which only make them better and stronger people. ”Each of these people begin with disadvantages that could have, and at times did exclude them from normal society. But each turned their differences into advantages”(Clark). Critics say that the growth is in the wrong areas they should be developing growth in terms of friends and social rankings. Arguing that starts with the everlasting example of success that is displayed by the outsider who

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