
Persuasive Essay On Gay Rights

Decent Essays

All families face challenges in their everyday life. For some, the challenges are easier to handle while for others, surmounting those challenges can be more difficult. Over the years, the LGBT community in the US has faced many hurdles. Whether it’s the legalization of same-sex marriage to adoption rights to alimony, child support and child custody in case of divorce, legislation specific to gay and lesbian couples still has a long way to go.
The Society for Human Rights in Chicago is the first documented gay rights organization in the US. Since then gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgenders have had to face significant challenges and discrimination. Homosexuality was actually listed as a sociopathic personality disturbance in the American Psychiatric Association in the 1950s and homosexuals were banned from working for the federal government during that same era. It took the American Psychiatric Association 20 years to remove homosexuality from its list of mental disorders.
During the 1980s, Wisconsin became the first state to outlaw discrimination based on sexual orientation while Vermont became the first state to legalize civil unions between same-sex couples in 2000. The first legal marriage in the US took place in 2004 in Massachusetts. But LGBT couples still did not have complete freedom throughout the country to marry the partner of their choice. California made same-sex marriage illegal in 2008 and the struggle continued till President Barack Obama became the

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