
Persuasive Essay On Global Warming

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The Earth is our home, so why don’t we take care of it and preserve it? Most people think that they can’t make a difference as just one individual in a world of over 7 billion people, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Anything from being a vegetarian, which highly reduces the amount of water used and byproduct created when farming animals, to carpooling to school helps combat global warming. By convincing my English class that global warming is an important issue that we are facing today and will face in the future, I hope to get them to take their own initiatives to reduce their footprint on our planet Earth. Glacier National Park in Montana is one of the most beautiful and extraordinary places I have ever been to. The park, known for its magnificent glaciers, might soon be a misnomer. The 150 glaciers that used to populate and feed every ecosystem in the park have now been reduced to 26: which are all projected to melt by 2030. Visitation of Glacier National Park has increased by 70.5% since 2000 (almost 1 million visitors), and with global warming stripping away the glaciers, the next generation will not be able to experience and cherish the park in the same way that I did. This is important because people should be provided the opportunity to escape from their everyday lives and be with nature in places such as national parks. Furthermore, the melting of the glaciers will devastate all of the surrounding towns, such as Kalispell, that heavily rely on the

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