
Persuasive Essay On Gun Control

Decent Essays

Today I saw a story on the news, about a 22-year old boy in California who went on a murder-spree and killed 6 people before taking his own life. His motive, you ask? Because he was still a virgin. Because he wanted to punish every woman for rejecting him and every sexually-active man for having a better life than he did. But the worst part is that this wasn’t the first time. This wasn’t the first time a person woke up in the morning and decided they were going to take innocent lives because they weren’t happy with their own. 121. That’s the number of attempted mass shootings that haven taken place in the United States this year alone. 475 people murdered and 1 870 injured in 154 days. This is what America’s gun crisis looks like, and this …show more content…

There always a “no, no, it’s in our constitution! Our right to bear arms in in our constitution! You can’t change the constitution!” Well darn, if only there was some way of amending the constitution, like with, I don’t know, an amendment? And I’m going out on a limb here, but maybe something like the 33 amendments that have been made to the US constitution since its inception? The abolition of slavery was an amendment, a women’s right to vote was an amendment and even the right to bear arms, the very law you are saying can’t be amended, was the second amendment! So change can happen! Some of the most significant laws in your constitution are amendments! But with this there comes the denial of “you can’t change a change! The change happened for a reason!” The 18th amendment introduced the prohibition of alcohol in 1917, however, it was later repealed by the 21st amendment in 1933. So America, you are quite happy to change an amendment if it means you can down a couple of beers with the guys after a game, but not when it comes to the highest amount of gun deaths per capita than any country in the western world. You are just happy to let that one slide, are

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