
Persuasive Essay On Gun Control

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Do you realize the number of firearm deaths is steadily increasing each year; in 2000, there was 28,663 deaths, in 2010 there was 31,692 deaths, in 2014 there was 33,599 deaths (Alpers, 2016). Today, the chance of you being killed by a firearm is equivalent to the chance of you dying in a car accident. The dialogue on firearm importance, becomes a more discussed topic everyday. We must be aware of the supporting and opposing arguments, for the better safety of our society currently. We must also be aware of the physiological needs after a gun related incident. The American Psychological Association mentions coping with the aftermath; discussing the event, turning away from news and gathering your emotions with a break, or even helping others do something good (Managing, “n.d.”). Firearm violence prevention is crucial; not only to save lives, but also to prevent hurting individuals psychologically. American Psychological Association, and The Prevention Institute, have different perspectives on firearms, but all the same intent, to end the violence between Americans. The American Psychological Association (APA) has recognized the demand of gun violence prevention. In February of 2013, the APA authorized a report led by experts to research and find conclusions and loopholes to help prevent gun violence. They began with the antecedents of gun violence; developmental issues and gender and culture. The research first went toward finding developmental risks, such as firearms being introduced to families. Also, studies were conducted where male expectations started; why are males supposed to be tough and independent. Their conclusions began with children. If we can help parents raise emotionally stable and happy children, we can have less anger, violence, anxiety and depression embedded in families. “The Importance of Play in Promoting Healthy Child Development” supports this fact (Ginsburg, 2007). The ACT/Parents Raising Safe Kids program focuses on teaching parents strategies to prevent their children from growing up around any violence. This program also teaches parents the way to react when your child has any act of violence; how to point them away from violence and resolve issues with peace (ACT, “n.d”).

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