
Persuasive Essay On Hunger And Poverty

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People have been taking action on solving the world issue of hunger and poverty since the 1900s, ever since poverty could be recognized in society, hungry people have been present. The issues within hunger have been failing farmers and malnutritioned women and children.Farmers around the world have been losing their productivity rates and haven't been able to grow nearly as much food as they have before.
Sarah McColl says that if we put away only $8.50 per child per year that will prevent growth stunts alone. WFP has been working to buy meals for students in school that have more nutritional value. Especially for those who are pregnant and lactating whom need more steady nutrition in their diets. The Borgen Project has been gathering people to help with food donations and simply just getting the food to the people that need it, another solution tying in with the solution with the WFP is to make sure as many children as possible are getting the needed education. When students are involved they get the nutrition and food they need along with the skill sets needed to become employed in the future. The help the children organization adds into this by using a donation program through their website. With the donations they purchase mass amounts of food to deliver to churches, senior citizen faculties, woman shelters, recovery programs, and more. Help the children delivers on average 1.7 million pounds of bulk food each month, making that 35 tons each work day.
To help with getting food to the communities with starving women and children we first have to have the food to do so. If we put helping small rate farmers into action then food production will raise which willhelp the world with the present issues. One of the first solutions to low production rates from farms is to have people begin to have more vegetarian diets presented by The Borgen Project. The care for cows just for the purpose to gain their beef is extremely expensive considering 100 calories fed to a cow results in only 2.5 calories from that amount of beef those 100 calories are a part of. With a vegetarian diet we can cut those prices and focus more on getting food to those who need to added nutrition and protein that many of us are using

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