
Persuasive Essay On Immigration Reform

Decent Essays

The immigration reform, an important issue for the U.S. government has accelerated significantly in the past few years. It has been debated between the democratic and republican senators to reform a framework for the immigration. President Obama gave a speech to push for an immigration reform in favor of undocumented 11 million immigrants in the USA, as well as a road map for their legal citizenship. It has also been suggested that a sub citizenship could be an option instead of providing full citizenship for the 11 million undocumented immigrants. The debate on the immigration reform has many dimensions which are important legally, morally, socially, culturally, and politically. Giving full citizenship or denying legal status to …show more content…

They contribute to the economy by purchasing goods, food, clothing, housing, cars and other services that are regularly required. This spending will increase the supply and demand in the national economy to provide more products and services which will create the new jobs, business, entrepreneurships and will strengthen the U.S. economy. The last 10 years of U.S. economy can be seen by the impact of immigrant reform in different scenarios. In 2013, undocumented immigrants have been granted legal status; citizenship has helped to increase the U.S. GDP and would accumulate by an additional $1.4 trillion compared to the 10 years in between the 2013 to 2022. This earning will give a chance for the Americans some additional earnings of $791 billion at the same period as a personal income, in which the economy would create job opportunities, about 203,000 new jobs per year. In these years the undocumented immigrants will earn about 25.1 percent more than the current earnings of the immigrants. These earnings show that they will be contributing significantly to the federal, local, and state taxes which will add to tax revenue in 10 years with $185 billion to $116 billion for the USA federal government as well as $68 billion to the state and local government (Stuart Anderson,2011). If we accelerated the process, giving legal status or citizenship in the next five years it would increase the US GDP $101 trillion and

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