
Persuasive Essay On Mass Shootings

Decent Essays

There are many problems in this world today. One main problem in the United States and all over the world is mass shootings. This problem is a huge one because it involves people killing other people and that is just unacceptable. In the last ten years there have been over 53 mass shootings in the United States, not including the rest of the world (Chris Wilson). In the last thirty-five years there have been seven-hundred and twenty-two and then one thousand one-hundred seventy-seven (Chris Wilson). If you look at the number of people that are killed or being wounded, you will notice that with new devices being introduced. One of the devices that have been introduced is a bump stock. This device is a stock for a semi-automatic rifle that can basically turn your semi-automatic rifle into a fully automatic rifle. They are considering making this attachment to a rifle illegal to the public.
“A bump stock – it should be banned, it should be disallowed, it should be wiped off of the face of the earth,” said Steven Wolfson, the district attorney of Clarkson county, Nevada, which includes Las Vegas (Shortell). The Las Vegas shooting that occurred on October 1, 2017 killed fifty-nine people and injured five-hundred twenty-seven others. The shooter had twenty-three firearms in his hotel room and twenty of them were rifles and most of them were equipped with bump stocks. Most people did not have a problem with the bump stock until certain people started using them to shoot and kill humans in mass shootings. People are trying to get these bump stocks banned because of this reason: mass shootings. Bump stocks are not the reason for mass shootings, but they allow the gun man’s rifle to shoot faster. With the gun firing faster the gun man can kill more people because there is more projectiles firing from the gun. Most people want the bump stock to be banned in every state. Citizens of the United States will probably begin to buy these bump stocks because they will probably be banned soon.
If they talk about banning certain bump stocks or all of them, people will go out and begin to buy them before they are not available anymore. If this happens more people will go out and buy them even if they have never even thought

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