
Persuasive Essay On Online Education

Decent Essays

Having finished my vocational training through a local community college, adjusting to my new job, and having a surplus of free time on my hands, I decided to continue my education. So many options were available, but not all of them were viable. Working shift work in the high stress environment of pre-hospital emergency medicine left me with an odd schedule that did not line up well with attending traditional universities. As I began to explore my options, the idea of earning an online degree seemed the most likely path to follow. I was skeptical at first, because I did not hold online learning in a high regard. I began to navigate my reasoning for these ideas, as I did not entirely understand why I thought this. As I began to research online degree opportunities and speak with others regarding my future goals, I realized that others were skeptical about online learning as well. Some did not think that they had the drive to independently study adequately in an online setting. Others viewed online universities as scams, and told me that I would just be wasting my money. After doing some independent research on the topic and testing the waters myself by enrolling at Northwestern State University, I have concluded that online learning can be quite effective. There is a reasonable stigma that exists towards online degree programs, however online learning can effectively educate future students and prepare them for what lies ahead. Many of my peers that I have spoken to about

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