
Persuasive Essay On School Shootings

Satisfactory Essays

April 20, 2018 17 people killed by a gunmen at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland Florida. April 20, 1999 13 people killed buy two gunmen at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado. My point is is that where do these gun laws take place, never? why do we decide to sell these mentally ill people guns when they are causing these school shootings when are we going to change these gun laws, how are these kids getting guns. What we need to do is if people have records of being mentally ill we need to not sell the these guns, if we make it so mentally ill people cant get there hands on guns there would be a big decrees in school shootings, In 2018 alone there where 20 school shooting where people where hurt or killed. …show more content…

In the Columbine high school shooting he had a history of mental health issues and he still got his hands on guns. Im saying if we stop selling people that have history of mental health issues we don't need to give them the guns because there would be a big decrease in the school shooting population.

If we, the United States of America Make it so people with a history of mental health issue cant but a gun there would be a major decrease in the school shooting population. Like I said the 2 gun men in Columbine High school they had a history of mental health and they made and bought there guns. If we would focus on mental health issues and spend some time and money on it then the school shootings would decrease a tremendously.

People need to realize that people with mental health can be dangerous if we don't get them the help that they need. If we keep on selling people with mental health issues guns then there will be a lot more school shooting but we can decease that. If we make it so if we see a person with an intent of but a gun and they have a history of having mental health issues, then why are we selling them guns I know the its our second amendment witch is the right to bare arms but would you rather loose 17 children or take away that right for persons with a record of mental issues, I don't know, you pick

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