
Persuasive Essay On Syria

Decent Essays

Nearly 500,000 people have died in Syria due to the horrendous civil war occuring in the country. Something really needs to be done to help the innocent citizens of Syria survive and to start a new, war-free lifestyle. In my opinion, the United States should choose to continue to aid the citizens of Syria, and also try to stop the issue by using a combination of Option 1: Use the U.S. Military in Syria, and Option 2: Stop the Humanitarian Disaster. Together this plan would help the citizens of Syria, use force to stop the government, and use diplomacy to stop the government’s harm on Syria.
Continuing to aid the citizens of Syria would help the disaster. In refugee camps, Syrians don’t have access to enough clean water, food, jobs, and other …show more content…

Military in Syria would contribute to stopping the government from continuing to tear up Syria. As a country, we have already used our military to help end the harm the government has already done. Sometimes, using the force of military can do more than using words or diplomacy. However, using the military can sometimes cause more harm than intended, so we need to be very mindful of the effects of our military.
Option 2: Stop the Humanitarian Disaster is also a good option when we are trying to stop this catastrophe. To peacefully end the civil war in Syria would be the ultimate goal. Without causing any more harm to the already torn up country, we could peacefully end the fighting. Diplomacy is not always easy to reach, however. Because there are so many different groups and opinions, we could propose an idea of ending the war, but it could easily get turned away by the opposing ideas.
It appears to me that a combination of continuing to aid the Syrian refugees, Option 1: Use the U.S. Military in Syria, and Option 2: Stop the Humanitarian Disaster would work very well in ending the war with the government in Syria. In my plan, the refugees would be helped, and the government would be strongly encouraged to comply with the political agreement and military force would be applied if they continue to mangle their country. The U.S. should choose the best policy they can to stop the disaster. I feel as though the plan I have put together connects with most

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