
Persuasive Essay On Texting And Driving

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It happened to a son, who was once energetic but is now constrained to a wheelchair. His mother always listening to the rhythmic mechanical sounds of his breathing machine, for if it fails he will only have moments before suffocation. An Amish family launched into a ditch, killed upon impact, and a father crushed to death early one morning on his way to work – it happened to them too. Above everything, Werner Herzog’s documentary on the tragedies of texting and driving, “From One Second to the Next”, conveys a simple, yet profound, notion – it can happen to any of us. (Herzog)
Anyone can lose their life because another driver deems sending a message more important. It should be a goal of every driver to create a safer environment on the road for those generations yet to come. I drive nearly every day, and my safety relies on the actions of other drivers as much as, or more so, than my own. For this reason, the accountability of my decisions when I am behind the wheel are of a great concern for me. Text messaging and social networking sites on smartphones make the bulk of how people today interact. This in itself is not inherently bad – though there is a tendency for individuals to use their device in inappropriate environments, such as while driving.
Distracted driving – while not exclusively limited to phone use – by definition describes any circumstance in which an individual’s attention is divided between activities irrelevant to driving. We have become aware of exactly

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