
Persuasive Essay On The Death Penalty

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There are people in the world who have done things that are so severe and heartbreaking they cannot be forgiven. People that harass society and put fear in the minds of our citizens such as rapists, mass murderers, and terrorists deserve the punishment that they gave to the innocent victims. The United States is still a part of the minority of countries that still use the death penalty, also known as capital punishment. The death penalty should be used because it gives closure the victim’s family, acts as a deterrent for any other people wanting to attempt a crime of the same extent, and permanently prevents any further horrendous crime from that person.
Some people assume that the death penalty is cruel or unusual punishment and is unfair to the criminal. It is not unfair because the criminal would have to be absolutely proven guilty of what he or she had done. The crimes that result in the death penalty are severe crimes that are disgusting and mutilate human morals. Crimes such as murder using a weapon of mass destruction, sexual exploitation of children, murder related to rape, and murder related to torture. These are just a few examples of crimes that alter the way people see our society and put fear into the citizens of our country. These crimes can change the rest of a person’s life, or sadly put a premature end to their life. Criminals that do these awful crimes to innocent lives deserve a punishment as severe as the death penalty. Some people claim that the death penalty is biased because “ A Stanford University study concluded that the blacker you are the more likely you are to be executed.” (Stassen). These claims are not true since ” White people make up 55.8% of defendants executed compared to 34.4% of black defendants that were executed.” (Facts About the Death Penalty). Race should not be considered a factor when it comes to the death penalty sentencing, it is be based on the severity of the crime.
The families of the poor victims are often the ones that are hurt the most. They have to live with the fact that their loved one has been mistreated to an extent that no person deserves. The families have to grieve and feel hopeless because of some criminal who was selfish and apathetic. The death

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