
Persuasive Essay On Veganism

Decent Essays

Every day we are reminded that our health is the foundation upon which our quality of life depends. Cut back on red meat, reduce trans fats, limit your meat intake and focus on the quality of the foods you eat; those are just a few of the ways we are being told to make changes to our diet in order to maintain or improve our health. More recently we are encouraged to incorporate different things in our lifestyles in order to optimize our health. One of those changes is the encouragement of adopting a vegan lifestyle. Defined as removing all animal products from our diets, veganism encourages us to eat healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, and grains. While it seems like a really good option, becoming a vegan does pose some challenges. Living in North America is in an of itself a limit to the success of becoming and maintaining a vegan lifestyle as most fruits and vegetables are imported from other countries due to the seasonal variations of the area. Not only is it limiting the types of foods required to maintain a healthy vegan lifestyle, it can be expensive as well, and can result in possible health issues due to lack of vitamins and nutrients. In North America, the seasonal changes make producing fresh fruits and vegetables difficult especially during the winter months therefore as a vegan, you’d most likely be required to adjust the foods you eat. While not a deterrent to the lifestyle, the adjustment of ingredients can be seen as cumbersome and discouraging. Though

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