
Persuasive Speech: Why Abortion Should Be Illegal

Satisfactory Essays

Persuasion topic: Why abortion should be illegal

I am writing this paper to persuade and inform you about why abortion should be illegal. Many people struggle when dealing with this topic because of women's rights and because a baby's life is on the line. My people think of it as a fetus, but i'm here to prove them wrong.
My first argument is the babies are actually alive. Many say they are just fetus’s but this is wrong. These babies actually feel more pain than us at at the average age a baby is aborted. This can actually be argued as cruel and unusual punishment which violates the 8th amendment. They actually recognize their mother's voice too. So they are capable of feeling pain and can hear and recognize people.
My second reason is it is responsible for 57 million deaths since 1973! Think about that, 57 million babies murdered. During the holocaust around 6 million jews were killed. Multiply that by 9.5 and that's how many babies have died due to abortion. They had no say in what happened to them. They are not just a choice, they should have …show more content…

One of these babies could have cured cancer. One could have been the best basketball or football or soccer player of all time. One could have ended world poverty. One could have been a war hero. One could have been our president. But instead they were thought of as just a choice. However there is one exception. The only way I would allow abortion is if the mother will die if she continues to give birth to the baby. Even in this circumstance some mothers chose to give birth to the baby even though they know that they will die. If the mother is raped and is pregnant why not give the baby up for adoption. Just because your life is ruined doesn’t mean you have to ruin the babies too. But also we have to be pro-women. We have to support the mother and help them raise the child or set him or her up for adoption. We need to mothers to know they are not

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