
Petroleum Engineers : The Natural And Most Economically Sound Method For Success

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Petroleum engineering has always provided the world 's economy with numerous jobs until recently where it has seen barrels of oil for less than 35 dollars. This is not the first time the oil and gas industry has been in a down turn, and it will probably not be the last. However, petroleum engineers are problem solvers and with the many different specialized branches of petroleum engineers this setback is another problem to be solved.

Petroleum engineers have a firm background in geology, mathematics, engineering, economics, and physics course work. Consequently, this means a petroleum engineer is qualified in extracting and producing hydrocarbons from subsurface sedimentary environment. "Petroleum engineers design and develop methods for extracting oil and gas from deposits below the Earth 's surface (Bureau of Labor Statistics).” There are always good and bad ways to accomplish responsibilities, and it is an engineer 's job to determine the safest and most economically sound method for success. The same thought process is applied when it comes to extracting hydrocarbons. Petroleum engineers "study geological and geophysical (UNSW, 2015)” maps to determine the most efficient methods to drill, and they will use reservoir simulators to help predict the economic value of the well. Over the years an increase in technology has helped the industry to create new ways to extract more oil from the reservoirs. The industry has helped to "...develop ways to inject water, chemicals,

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