
Pharmacognitive Behavioural Therapy

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In each year in the European Union alone, 38.2% which is 164.7 million people suffer at least one mental disorder . They are various mental disorders but the disorder at hand are panic disorders. Panic disorder is an effect from anxiety disorder which involves triggering fear and worry . In 2005, a result recorded that anxiety disorders have the highest prevalence rate, it recorded that at least 1 in 3 people suffer from the disorder . A person with panic disorder experiences recurring panic attacks which results to the increase in heart rate, increase in respiration value and a higher skin conductance . It could be treated through cognitive behavioural therapy or pharmacological means which could simply be classified under therapy and medication. …show more content…

The use of drugs and certain therapy can be combined to treat panic disorder, various studies have been conducted on combining both types of treatments. The first research involves taking clonazepam , with two groups, a respiratory sub type group which consisted of eight people and a non-respiratory group, the respiratory group had were treated faster than the other group . This proves that combined treatment can work. In 2006, a study was conducted on the combination of pharmacotherapy and cognitive behavioural therapy and administering both individually, it reviews evidence and concluded with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), generality anxiety disorder (GAD) and seasonal affective disorder (SAD) related to panic attacks combined with anti-depressants have the possibility to be effective in an acute phase but relating to durability, cognitive behavioural therapy is the most effective . This is a different approach from the previous study mentioned where there was great effectiveness of treatments combined. It could also be useful that research also shows that in terms of cost effectiveness, that cognitive behavioural therapy is the most effective, both cognitive behavioural therapy and SSRI’s combined are also more effective than SSRI alone . So far, Cognitive behavioural therapy has proven to be more effective both in durability and cost. Further research has also compared cognitive behavioural therapy with imipramine combined, …show more content…

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