
Philosophers and Epistemological Skepticism

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Abstract People wonder how they, and others, know what they know. There is a skepticism about accepting that there are inherent pieces of knowledge that people simply possess, that there is no such thing as true knowledge because it is so personal, that there is no way to prove what is truly right or wrong. This paper considers the views of Chuang Tzu and Roderick Chisholm, how their ideas should be researched further in order for leaders to address sharing knowledge with their followers. Scholars, researchers, mangers, and leaders can benefit in many ways by further researching the philosophies and how these ideas apply to one’s attempts to share knowledge.

Philosophers and Epistemological Skepticism All arguments about …show more content…

This is another area to be considered for examination. Tzu forces us to consider how well we know ourselves, how well we can know others, and how well we can know the world (Derong, 2005). We must trust ourselves before we can ever hope to pass on our knowledge to others. Tzu also forces us to explore both sides of everything:
Accommodating affirmation (yin shi), it accommodates denial (yin fei). Accommodating denial (yin fei), it accommodates affirmation (yin shi) (Trowbridge, 2006, p. 255). This forces leaders and learners to examine everything and understand how each side works with the other. They must learn to appreciate the need for all sides of knowledge. There is much to consider from the skeptical epistemological view. Much as debaters are prepared to debate, so should scholars, researchers, and leaders be prepared. While leaders have proven their worthiness to gain the position of leader, it seems that their ability to address both sides of an issue got them to that position. One cannot forget this as leadership continues. By exploring the philosophies behind Tzu and Chisholm, one can be better prepared to deliver their mission and answer any naysayers that question the legitimacy of the presentation. Challenges and Opportunities Skepticism offers the opportunity to doctoral learners the ability to consider the need for proof, the need to consider arguments and be prepared to address them. This

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