
Phineas Gage Research Paper

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Phineas Gage, a railroad worker, was accidently struck by a piece of iron through the frontal lobe after an explosion he set himself (Phineas Gage Information). The iron piece shredded the front left side of his brain when it entered under his cheek bone and exited out the top of his head (Phineas Gage Information). Phineas was treated after the explosion by Dr. John Martyn Harlow (Phineas Gage Information). The treatment by Dr. Harlow allowed Phineas to return back to his house only ten weeks after the incident; which is a significantly short time considering the trauma from his accident and the medical advances at this time were not nearly what they are today (Phineas Gage Information). The accounts of his personality change seem to have differencing opinions (Phineas Gage Information). …show more content…

Harlow, his treating physician, took reports from a previous boss and former friends (Phineas Gage Information). They gave reports of Phineas’s personality before as being “the most capable and efficient foreman, one with a well-balanced mind, and who was looked on as a shrewd smart business man” (Phineas Gage Information). While after his accident the previous contractors would not give Phineas his job back saying that he was “fitful, irreverent, and grossly profane, showing little deference” (Phineas Gage Information). They also described him as “impatient and obstinate” (Phineas Gage Information). The most prevailing statement was from Phineas’s former friends when they stated the Phineas now was “No longer Gage.” (Phineas Gage Information). However, it should be noted that the article mentions that many rumors of Phineas’s life were “strange mixtures of slight fact, considerable fancy and downright fabrication” (Phineas Gage Information). It was proven through the work that Phineas kept a new occupation for years after recovery from the explosion (Phineas Gage

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