
Phl/215 Philosophy Matrix

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Philosophy Matrix

Field | Definition | Historical Developments | Schools Of Thought | Key Contributors | Principal Issues | Epistemology | The study of knowledge: What constitutes knowledge, the nature of knowledge, and whether knowledge is possible | Pre-Socratics observe and seek to define physical phenomena.Socrates studied human behavior and tried to determine the essential nature of knowledge.Aristotle sought to categorize his observations.The Scientific RevolutionNewtonian influencesFreudian influence | SkepticismRealismConceptualismNominalismEmpiricismRationalismAbsolute …show more content…

| Social | The study of society and its institutions, including what would make up an ideal society. | Greek democracyNatural law becomes Christianized and is seen as the moral law of God.Environmental concernsSocial justice | Natural LawContractarian theoryEnvironmental philosophy | AugustineAquinasHobbesRousseauSmithTaylorMillMooreRawlsNussbaum | How should goods be distributed in a society?Do people have natural rights? | Political | The study of the state, its justification, and how to organize it ethically | Greek democracyPlato’s RepublicSocial contractSeparation of power | DemocracyConstitutional TheoryClassic LiberalismMarxismAnarchismLibertarianismObjectivism | PlatoAristotleMachiavelliLockeHegelMarxNozickRand | What form of political state is best?Can a government restrict the liberty of its citizens? | Structuralism | The study of the rules and conventions of the language and cultural mythology that govern large social systems | Saussure applied linguistics to epistemology.Levi-Strauss applied Saussure’s methods to cultural mythology. | Semiotics | SaussureLevi-Strauss | Study of the deep

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