
Playing With Pain Analysis

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“Playing with Pain,” by Michelle Crouch in December, 2016, teaches us that focusing too much on one sport is not very good. Studies show that specializing in one sport actually has the opposite effect of what people think or say about it. Crouch write in the article about the experiences of Kellen Sillanpaa, a young athlete. The central idea is that if a person specializes in only one sport, there could be consequences. Some of the consequences are having pains, not being able to play a sport or do normal activities, and having a lower chance of success later in life. First of all, a person could have pains from focusing too much on one sport. Crouch states, “Years of relentless training had caused an overuse injury...” This piece of text comes after the part where Kellen gets hurt. The quote that Kellen’s injury wasn’t from a disease or sickness or anything else - it was …show more content…

Mark Hyman, author of Until It Hurts: America’s Obsession With Youth Sports and How It Harms Our Kids says, “There’s no evidence that kids who specialize in one sport are more likely to go pro or get a scholarship. None.” Hyman explains that there is no evidence of kids having more success if they specialize in one sport. Dr. Matt Matava, a sports-medicine specialist at Washington University in St. Louis also says that “you’re more likely to have success in most sports at the college level if you diversify while you’re growing up.” Matava says a similar thing- that people are more likely to have more success in sports if they try a variety of sports. Both quotes imply that people will not have a better life if they centralize on one sport- in fact, their lives may be worse. Focusing on a single sport- and putting himself/herself under pressure- is not a good thing to do, as these two people are trying to tell us. Success is important- not doing a lot of one sport. It won’t do much

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