
Pleasantville Film Analysis Essay

Decent Essays

The film Pleasantville directed by Gary Ross is about two modern teenagers, David and his sister Jennifer, somehow being transported into the television, ending up in Pleasantville, a 1950s black and white sitcom. The two are trapped as Bud and Mary Sue in a radically different dimension and make some huge changes to the bland lives of the citizens of Pleasantville, with the use of the director’s cinematic techniques. Ross cleverly uses cinematic techniques such as colour, mise-en-scene, camera shots, costumes, music and dialogue to effectively tell the story. The town of Pleasantville is dull and this is reflected by its lack of colour - the town is completely black and white. Black and white life is simple and uncomplicated. However …show more content…

Everyone in Pleasantville had a routine which was strictly followed day to day. Everyone wore the same style of clothes. Even the houses were the same, with picket fences adorning houses and everyone having the same car. Ross uses mise-en-scene to contrast idealistic, conservative American views and reality. He highlights the fact that the people of Pleasantville like everything to be kept to a routine. Their world has little time for change and is a complete contrast to realistic America. Fifties clothing was conservative. Men wore gray flannel suits and women wore dresses with pinched in waists and high heels. Gender roles were strongly held. Families worked together, played together and vacationed together at family themed entertainment. Indecent language was not used frequently. The biggest issue with reference to language used was the frequent use of "God" as an exclamation or declaration. Camera shots and angles are also used by Ross as a cinematic technique. The lack of engagement in class of a close up of David’s face is an example. David’s face show the expression of boredom and tiredness, as he listens to the teacher talk. Another example of a camera technique is the close up of David asking out a girl. It shows the strength and courage David has in him, but a long shot shows us that the girl is hundreds of meters away. This conveys that David is too socially inept to

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